

大都会社区学院(十大娱乐彩票平台)提供以下相关定义 the satisfactory academic progress of financial aid recipients (recipients).

  1. Eligible academic programs are approved degree or certificate programs offered by 十大娱乐彩票平台 and approved as eligible 申请经济援助 by the Department of Education.
  2. Semesters include fall, spring and summer.
  3. 学术课程的变更在学生获得学分后由校园指定人员批准 24学时.
  4. 访问学生在另一所大学或机构注册攻读学位 在十大娱乐彩票平台学习一(1)个学期后回国的学生 机构.
  5. 转学生是指那些最后一次在大学或学校就读或获得学分的学生 university other than 都会社区学院.
  6. Dual credit is college credit earned while in high school.
  7. Remedial/developmental courses are those with a catalog number less than 100. 收件人 may receive financial aid for no more than thirty (30) attempted credit 小时.
  8. 累积平均绩点是根据受助人所修的所有课程计算的 have earned grades of A, B, C, D and F. Only the final attempt of a repeated course is counted in grade point average calculation.
  9. 尝试学时包括学员所修课程的学时 officially enrolled during any semester. Repeat credit 小时 are counted as attempted.
  10. 成功完成和获得的课程包括收件人已获得的课程 A、B、C、D、P、S和CR级. Only the final successful attempt of a repeated 课程以学分计算.
  11. 未成功完成或未获得的课程包括已获得的课程 received grades of F, W, U, I and AU. Only the final successful attempt of a repeated 课程以学分计算.
  12. 学期结束后更改的成绩将被重新评估以确定影响 on satisfactory academic progress 计算.
  13. 不及格的课程可以重修,并有Eligibility获得经济援助,直到成功为止 完成. Once successfully completed and earned, a course may be repeated and is eligible 申请经济援助 only once.
  14. Audited courses are not eligible 申请经济援助. 这些课程都包含在 the calculation of 完成 rate and maximum 时间框架 but not included in the calculation of grade point average.
  15. 被拒绝的转学学时不计入满意的学业进展 计算.


为了有Eligibility获得联邦第四章经济援助或退伍军人福利, you must be making satisfactory academic progress. 退伍军人学生可以查看 procedure for satisfactory academic progress for VA benefits.

学生 awarded other aid must complete all of the following.

  1. Satisfy all admission requirements to be admitted as a regular student.
    • Visiting students are not eligible to receive financial aid.
    • 学生 still attending high school are not eligible to receive financial aid.
  2. 寄给学院官方、所有其他大专院校的成绩单、 colleges and universities attended.
  3. Declare and pursue an eligible academic program.
  4. 课程注册必须至少以以下一种方式贡献 recipients' declared academic program. 课程必须是:
    • 学术课程要求;
    • 在学院目录中指定为学术课程的先决条件 program; and/or
    • 补救/发展课程.
  5. 接受者可以获得不超过三十(30)个尝试学分的经济援助 小时.

令人满意的学业进展 standard

为了保留获得经济援助的Eligibility,受助人必须做出令人满意的成绩 academic progress toward their academic program 每学期. 学术豁免, amnesty or forgiveness is not allowed. The following will be reviewed at the end of 每学期.

  1. 收件人 must earn and maintain a 2.0 累积平均绩点. Grade point averages will be calculated according 大学政策.
  2. 接受者还必须保持最低的累计成功完成率 67%的人(67%尝试过的课程.
  3. 受助人必须在不超过6个月的时间内完成学术课程 百分之一百五十(150%)完成课程所需的学时数而不需要重复 当然.
  4. 收件人' entire academic history will be evaluated when determining the credit 小时 that apply toward the maximum 时间框架 eligible 申请经济援助.
    • 已尝试和/或完成的课程包括在学生当前的课程中 when determining the maximum 时间框架. A student is allowed to change their academic program and reset their maximum 时间框架 one time with approval.
    • 有Eligibility获得经济援助的最长时间框架将根据经批准的学术课程进行调整 program changes and for remedial/developmental coursework.
    • Rejected transfer 小时 are excluded from this calculation.


收件人 in their first semester of their program at 十大娱乐彩票平台 or who were previously 表现良好但未达到学业进步标准的学生将被允许参加一次 (1)学期 of warning, occurring the next semester the student attends. 学生 are notified of warning status 通过十大娱乐彩票平台学生邮件.

  1. During the warning semester, recipients will be encouraged and may be required to 与学生成功顾问,辅导员或其他学术支持服务密切合作 staff to improve their academic performance.
  2. 如果受训者在警告学期结束时没有达到标准,他们的 financial aid eligibility will be terminated. 学生 are notified of termination 通过十大娱乐彩票平台学生邮件.
  3. 如果收件人在警告结束时未能达到学业进步标准 本学期因病情减轻,如疾病、伤残等 或直系亲属死亡,受助人可提交书面申诉表格 with documentation to the financial aid office.

Appealing failure to meet financial aid satisfactory Academic progress

Download 金融援助 Appeal Form (PDF)

This form is also available at any 十大娱乐彩票平台 campus financial aid office.

因减刑而未能达到学业进步标准者 circumstances beyond their control may be granted a one-time approved appeal.

  1. 收件人可以对未能满足以下任何或所有满意的要求提出上诉 学业进步标准:
    • 累积平均绩点;
    • cumulative successful 完成 rate; and/or
    • 在最高百分之一百五十(150%)内完成学术课程 时间框架.
      • 如果申请最大时限,收件人必须与学生成功顾问会面 准备一份完成学业所需的具体课程清单. 如果 appeal is granted, financial aid will only pay for these courses.
  2. 申请必须提交给受助人的校园经济援助办公室并收到 在百分之百(100%)退款的最后一天的营业结束前 一段时间,以便被考虑. Appeals received after that dated will be considered 下个学期.
  3. Appeals may include only mitigating circumstances experienced during the semester in which recipients failed to meet the satisfactory academic progress standard.
  4. 可以考虑的减轻情节的例子包括,但不限于 to:
    • 个人疾病或受伤. A doctor's written statement or hospital records must 与申诉表格一起提交.
    • Serious illness or death of a grandparent, parent, spouse, sibling or child. 死亡 证书,讣告或医生声明必须与 吸引力的形式.
  5. 可被拒绝或不予考虑的上诉情况包括,但是 不限于:
    • 糟糕的课程选择
    • 就业义务
    • 财政困难
    • 运输损失
    • 个人或关系问题
    • 搬迁
    • 照顾孩子的困难
    • 监禁和/或
    • 互联网接入.
  6. 在做出决定之前,受助人负责支付学费、杂费和书本费 has been made regarding the appeal.


如果受助人成功地就他们缺乏学业进步提出申诉,那么他们的学业 program will be reviewed to make one of the following determinations.

  1. 终止资助 -受助人不可能在申请期内完成他们的学术课程 maximum 百分之一百五十(150%) 时间框架
    • Financial aid eligibility is terminated.
  2. 经济援助试用期 - it is possible for recipient to meet the academic progress standard within one (1)学期.
    • Financial aid eligibility continues for one (1) final semester of probation. 如果 在学期结束时未取得令人满意的学业进步的; financial aid eligibility will be terminated.
  3. 学术计划 -接受者不可能达到学术进步标准 一(1)学期,但有可能在150年内达到标准 百分比(150%)时间框架
    • The recipient is placed on an individualized academic 计划 that must be followed. Progress will be strictly monitored.
    • 只要接受者完成学业,经济援助Eligibility就会继续 计划.
    • 如果接受方在任何一个学期都没有达到学术计划的要求,他们的奖学金将被退回 financial aid eligibility will be terminated.
    • The recipient may submit one (1) appeal request to change their academic 计划 due 一个新的减轻情节. The recipient must explain what has happened to make the change necessary and how they will be able to make academic progress. 失败 第二次达到学术计划的要求将获得经济资助 eligibility termination with no further opportunity for appeal.


如上诉不符合须考虑的标准或已被考虑,则予以拒绝; 受助人的经济援助Eligibility仍然被终止,他们负责 为本学期收费.


一旦经济援助被终止,受助人可以在学校完成课程 自付费用,无经济援助,直到重新确定Eligibility并令人满意为止 达到学业进步标准. At that point, application may be made by recipients 申请经济援助.